Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Homework from 10-19 and 10-20

Hi everyone!


In class today, we did some practice problems for dimensional analysis first, to try to refresh everyone on how to do them. We then did a practice quiz on the names and symbols for elements in order to get everyone to know what the quizzes over the next couple of classes would be like.


After that, we discussed the lab report requirements for the lab that all of my classes except B1 did, so this section doesn't apply to them. All I asked for was a neatly written or typed report, one per person (not one per group), answering the following questions. The first is to try to figure out the percentages of the iron, sand, and salt that were in the mixture. If you are unable to do this for some reason, indicate why. The second question is an error analysis. In several paragraphs (do a good job with this!) explain what problems you had with the lab and how you could do better if we had to do this again. Since everyone had problems with it, I expect a good explanation from each of you! This is due on Friday (10/23) or Monday (10/26), depending on when you have me for class. Again, B1 doesn't have to do one because we didn't do the lab due to our standardized test day last Wednesday.


The next thing we did was talk about the Penny lab, which we are doing Wednesday and Thursday of this week. You received a packet which contains the lab, and directions for making the data table which you need for next class. I explained that the only requirements for the data table are legible and functional - you need to be able to use it to record the data for the lab - it doesn't need to be typed. This is due next class because this is when you need it, and only one per group is needed.


Finally, we went through lesson 14, which has a bunch of introductory information for atomic theory history.




Page 90 - this is due 10-23 or 10-26.

Data table for Penny Lab - due 10-21 or 10-22

Quiz on Names and Symbols - happening the next couple of classes - so study!

Lab report for Separation of Mixtures lab - one per person, due 10-23 or 10-26.


Have a great day, and enjoy the nicer weather we seem to be having before the depths of winter set in (like last week)!


Mr. Rinke


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