Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Homework from 12/15 and 12/16
Today we went over the homework that was due and played "Go Fish for an Ion" - a card game which involves making chemical formulas and then writing them and the names of the compounds. We will be doing this again on Thursday and Friday.
Monday and Tuesday, we will be having a short test. The students were given this in class, but here's the info for it:
1) 10 T/F questions on Lesson 22
2) 10 point essay question - they were given this in class several classes ago.
3) 20 names to write
4) 20 formulas to write
It usually takes the class about half the period to take this test. Start studying now!
Other homework - Pages 169 and 171 (not 170) which is more practice on names and formulas. This is due next class.
It has been a while since I've given any candy away for students reading this, so I'll do it again - if you are in my classes, and you come up to me and talk to me about my homeroom's mascot at some point, I will give you something as a prize. Thanks for staying updated here!
Mr. Rinke
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Homework from 12/11 and 12/14
Today everyone took the unit 4 test. The homework was the same as it was last class - do the first two pages after lesson 24.
We will be having a test on lessons 23-24 right before the break for Christmas, so make sure to e reviewing the information in lesson 23, and that you are comfortable writing names and formulas for ionic compounds within the next week.
Off to go watch some basketball games! Central boys lost last night in their season opener - maybe they'll have better luck tonight. Good luck!
Mr. Rinke
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Thursday, December 10, 2009
Homework from 12-9 and 12-10
Today we went over lesson 23 - and learned how to write names and formulas for ionic compounds. This becomes very important as we will use it for almost everything that we do over the next couple of months until the end of the year. Please make sure to practice these regularly.
Homework, for Tuesday and Wednesday (since we have a test on Friday and Monday coming up), is pages 167 and 168 - practicing writing names and formulas.
We also have that test coming up - Friday and Monday. Please make sure to study for that!
Have a nice night and enjoy the snow! haha
Mr. Rinke
Monday, December 7, 2009
Harborcreek lost
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Homework from 12/7 and 12/8
I'm actually writing this from the civic center because I forgot to update it - I came down to watch harborcreek play hockey, but they're not doing so well - down 3-5 to Orchard Park between the second and third periods. Since the Zamboni is out there working, I figured this was a good time to update!
We went over all the worksheets that were due from a couple of days ago today, and I gave credit for having done them. If you were absent, make sure to see me to get the points.
We also went over lesson 22 - the next unit is 22-24 so we should have a test before break (not counting the one that is this Friday and next Monday on the last unit).
There is no new homework - let me be more specific - no new WRITTEN homework - this is to give you more time to STUDY for the upcoming test. Take advantage of it!
Now, back to the hockey game!
Mr. Rinke
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Sunday, December 6, 2009
Homework for 12-3 and 12-4
We went over the review packet which was due these days, and then did a practice worksheet in class. Some of the classes were short, due to the early dismissal on Friday and the Mercyhurst assembly on Thursday, so we didn't do much else with the extra time in the other classes except for some extra homework time.
The worksheets from the previous assignment are due Monday and Tuesday, and the test is on Friday (12/11) and Monday (12/14) - start studying now. This should be a relatively easy test, but the students were told that a lot of how they do on the test will come from how they did on the quizzes. Probably 70-80% of the test will be the same things they had to do on the quizzes, so if they could handle those, they should be good for the test in terms of problems.
We will be beginning the next Unit on Monday and Tuesday, but that won't be on the test.
Enjoy the snow!
Mr. Rinke
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Homework for 12-1 and 12-2
Hi everyone! Welcome back from vacation!
Today I handed back a bunch of papers, and then we went through lessons 20 and 21. Lesson 20 was covered pretty well in the video that was shown during the Thursday and Friday the week before Thanksgiving (the days I wasn't in school), so we didn't need to spend a lot of time on it. Lesson 21, on periodic trends, is long and dry, but we needed to get through it, so we did...
Hey! You in the back! Wake up!! haha
So anyway, back to the matter at hand. Your test on this unit will be next Friday and the Monday following - 12/11 and 12/14. We will start new material from the next unit before then, but this gives you some time to figure out any questions or problems with the current material before having a test on it.
Homework from today:
1) We will have a quiz on the definitions from Lesson 21, and the trends from that lesson as well. The 5 trend terms will be matching, and then the 10 trends will simply be to identify whether that trend increases, decreases, or stays the same. This will be a scan sheet quiz.
2) The review packet I handed out is due next class (Thursday/Friday).
3) The following pages (worksheets) in your book are due Monday/Tuesday (12/7 or 12/8). 131-136 and 147-150.
Have a great night!
Mr. Rinke