Thursday, October 29, 2009
Correction to 10-29 and 10-30's homework
Homework for 10-29 and 10-30
Hi everyone!
Today we did two things.
First, we went over lesson 17 - this included reading different parts of the periodic table, learning how to calculate protons, neutrons, and electrons (including isotopes and ions), and then calculating average atomic mass. Make sure you get the examples from this section, as well as getting all the blanks filled in.
Second, we did the flame test lab. You have to pick up a copy of this if you weren't here, because it isn't in your book. This took about half the period, and involved sticking wooden sticks into a small sample of salt, then putting it in a bunsen burner flame, and noticing the color that the flame becomes with the salt burining. This occurs because of salt ions having their electrons excited and when they return to their ground state, they release that energy as a form of light.
For Monday/Wednesday:
- Penny Lab letter reports are due. These are going on the second quarter grades.
- Worksheets from lessons 14, 15, and 17. 14 and 15 were assigned before, and 17 was assigned today - there are 5 of them. Make sure to have all of these completed as we will be going over all of them next class, including giving points for doing them, and reviewing for the test.
For Thursday/Friday:
- Flame test lab reports are due - these are just answering questions on the bottom of the back of the lab.
- Test!! - The test is on Unit 3, lessons 14-17. There is a study guide on page 109.
Thanks - if you have any questions, feel free to email me or see me in school!
Mr. Rinke
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Just a couple of quick reminders!
Don't forget that the quarter ends next Wednesday, November 4th. November 3rd (Tuesday) is a day off for you guys, so you won't have that day to make anything up. If you are missing anything, you need to make it up before then.
I passed a grade sheet around in every class, so everyone should know if they are missing anything. Don't wait until Wednesday to do it!
Also, anyone rewriting a lab report from the first letter lab needs to have that done ASAP - I'd rather not get any after Monday.
Start studying! Your test on unit 3 is on Thursday or Friday of next week - there is a study guide right after lesson 17.
Flame test lab tomorrow - yeah!
Mr. Rinke
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Homework for 10/27 and 10/28
Friday, October 23, 2009
Homework from 10-23 and 10-26
I had planned on doing another lab today, but since the equipment was unavailable, we will be doing that on Tuesday and Wednesday. What we did today was:
1) We went over the details for the penny lab report. Please check with your partner for details, or if both of you were absent, see me or another student. We talked about the specific graphs which are due, and questions which needed answered, as well as the fact that this lab has a theory section. The lab reports are due on November 2nd or 4th, depending on which day you have me for class. You may want to work ahead to avoid having to work on this during Halloween weekend!
2) We talked about Lesson 15 - there are a number of drawings that need to be added to the notes and blanks to be filled in, so make sure you see someone to get that information if you missed class.
3) We had another name/symbol quiz.
Homework is as follows:
1) Pages 94-95 from the end of lesson 15.
2) Penny lab report due 11/2 or 11/4.
Please make sure to make up anything you're missing gradewise soon, because the quarter ends on November 4th. Thanks!
Mr. Rinke
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Homework from 10-21 and 10-22
We had a quiz on names and symbols today for elements. If you missed this, make it up ASAP because it is close to the end of the quarter.
We also did the penny lab - this will take you about 30 minutes to do, and as long as your partner completed it in class, you will probably use their data for the lab report.
The only homework was to complete page 90 (which was assigned last class), complete the Separation of Mixtures lab report (again, assigned last class, for everyone except B1), and study for another name/symbol quiz. Nothing new.
We will discuss the lab report for the penny lab when we have our next class.
Enjoy the nice weather before we go back to cold and rainy!
Mr. Rinke
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Homework from 10-19 and 10-20
Hi everyone!
In class today, we did some practice problems for dimensional analysis first, to try to refresh everyone on how to do them. We then did a practice quiz on the names and symbols for elements in order to get everyone to know what the quizzes over the next couple of classes would be like.
After that, we discussed the lab report requirements for the lab that all of my classes except B1 did, so this section doesn't apply to them. All I asked for was a neatly written or typed report, one per person (not one per group), answering the following questions. The first is to try to figure out the percentages of the iron, sand, and salt that were in the mixture. If you are unable to do this for some reason, indicate why. The second question is an error analysis. In several paragraphs (do a good job with this!) explain what problems you had with the lab and how you could do better if we had to do this again. Since everyone had problems with it, I expect a good explanation from each of you! This is due on Friday (10/23) or Monday (10/26), depending on when you have me for class. Again, B1 doesn't have to do one because we didn't do the lab due to our standardized test day last Wednesday.
The next thing we did was talk about the Penny lab, which we are doing Wednesday and Thursday of this week. You received a packet which contains the lab, and directions for making the data table which you need for next class. I explained that the only requirements for the data table are legible and functional - you need to be able to use it to record the data for the lab - it doesn't need to be typed. This is due next class because this is when you need it, and only one per group is needed.
Finally, we went through lesson 14, which has a bunch of introductory information for atomic theory history.
Page 90 - this is due 10-23 or 10-26.
Data table for Penny Lab - due 10-21 or 10-22
Quiz on Names and Symbols - happening the next couple of classes - so study!
Lab report for Separation of Mixtures lab - one per person, due 10-23 or 10-26.
Have a great day, and enjoy the nicer weather we seem to be having before the depths of winter set in (like last week)!
Mr. Rinke