Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homework for 9-29 and 9-30

Hello again! I guess I should have been a little more specific, since my dates on my last post were only related to the days before and after the test,  but not during the test.


There is no homework specifically from the days of the test.  Vocabulary is due next Tuesday (10/6) or Wednesday (10/7) depending on what day you have me for class.


Have a great day!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Homework for 9/28 and 10/1

This is the homework for 9/28 and 10/1. We are taking a test on 9/29 and 9/30, so the B day classes won’t receive their homework until Thursday, 10/1.

Students need to write out, type out, cut-and-paste, or make flashcards for all of the vocabulary words in Unit 2, which is lessons 10-13. I gave the A day students all of the terms today (they had to fill in the blanks in those lessons, and those are the words they are looking for), and B day students will get them on Thursday (or can get them after the test if they wish). This homework is due 10/6 and 10/7, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

Also, make sure you’re studying! And this is also a reminder to the B4 students – I still owe you candy from the review game – remind me so you can snack during part of the test.

Good luck!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Homework from 9-24 and 9-25

You have a test coming up Tuesday (B-Day) and Wednesday (A-Day) - Because of the early dismissal on Monday, you will start covering new material from Unit 2 on Monday, and then have your test on Wednesday.

In class today I collected the graphing assignment, and we spent most of the period playing a review game. Please make sure if you had some reason not to turn in your graph today, you get it to me in the next couple of days.

Make sure you are studying and reviewing for the test - you can come in Friday after school or Monday after school to practice with the balances or Bunsen burners, or just go through your lab station to make sure you know what the various equipment is. Don't assume you remember everything - come in and check them out!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Free Skittles :)

Just to get people to check out this blog, and maybe help some of the students become more successful by checking out the chemistry homework, I will give anyone in my class who prints out this page, follows the directions, and brings it in (by Friday), some free Skittles.

You just need to print this out, put your name on it, and give it to me. No "copies" will be accepted. Plan ahead - this site isn't accessable from school. Good luck!

Sorry parents - feel free to check this out and keep up with what is going on in your child's class, but no free Skittles for you.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Homework from 9-22-09 and 9-23-09

Hello! There is a test coming up on 9-29 and 9-30 for my chemistry classes - For the A day students, it is actually after the B day students because of the early dismissal day on 9-28. Start studying now if you haven't already!

The only written homework you have today is to complete the graphs from lesson 9. You have to make sure to make all the graphs are done correctly, and cut and pasted onto a word document. You can print them out and turn them in that way, or send them to my GoogleDocs, which is at Publish them to your GoogleDocs account, and then invite, which is my home email address, to it.

Thank you for checking this out! Stay tuned for updates, or sign up for email updates (I believe you can), so you get an email every time I update!

Homework Assignments and News Here!

This is where I am going to try to post my homework assignments for my Chemistry Classes and Northwest PA Collegiate Academy. Check back here often if you want to know about upcoming stuff, or just forgot what you were supposed to do for your homework!