Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Homework from 12/15 and 12/16

Hi everyone!

Today we went over the homework that was due and played "Go Fish for an Ion" - a card game which involves making chemical formulas and then writing them and the names of the compounds. We will be doing this again on Thursday and Friday.

Monday and Tuesday, we will be having a short test. The students were given this in class, but here's the info for it:

1) 10 T/F questions on Lesson 22
2) 10 point essay question - they were given this in class several classes ago.
3) 20 names to write
4) 20 formulas to write

It usually takes the class about half the period to take this test. Start studying now!

Other homework - Pages 169 and 171 (not 170) which is more practice on names and formulas. This is due next class.

It has been a while since I've given any candy away for students reading this, so I'll do it again - if you are in my classes, and you come up to me and talk to me about my homeroom's mascot at some point, I will give you something as a prize. Thanks for staying updated here!

Mr. Rinke

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Homework from 12/11 and 12/14

Hi everyone!

Today everyone took the unit 4 test. The homework was the same as it was last class - do the first two pages after lesson 24.

We will be having a test on lessons 23-24 right before the break for Christmas, so make sure to e reviewing the information in lesson 23, and that you are comfortable writing names and formulas for ionic compounds within the next week.

Off to go watch some basketball games! Central boys lost last night in their season opener - maybe they'll have better luck tonight. Good luck!

Mr. Rinke

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Homework from 12-9 and 12-10

Hi everyone!

Today we went over lesson 23 - and learned how to write names and formulas for ionic compounds. This becomes very important as we will use it for almost everything that we do over the next couple of months until the end of the year. Please make sure to practice these regularly.

Homework, for Tuesday and Wednesday (since we have a test on Friday and Monday coming up), is pages 167 and 168 - practicing writing names and formulas.

We also have that test coming up - Friday and Monday. Please make sure to study for that!

Have a nice night and enjoy the snow! haha

Mr. Rinke

Monday, December 7, 2009

Harborcreek lost

Just in case anyone was actually checking or curious about what happened with the hockey game, Harborcreek lost 6-4. Oh well.

- Posted using BlogPresser from my iPhone

Homework from 12/7 and 12/8

Hi everyone!

I'm actually writing this from the civic center because I forgot to update it - I came down to watch harborcreek play hockey, but they're not doing so well - down 3-5 to Orchard Park between the second and third periods. Since the Zamboni is out there working, I figured this was a good time to update!

We went over all the worksheets that were due from a couple of days ago today, and I gave credit for having done them. If you were absent, make sure to see me to get the points.

We also went over lesson 22 - the next unit is 22-24 so we should have a test before break (not counting the one that is this Friday and next Monday on the last unit).

There is no new homework - let me be more specific - no new WRITTEN homework - this is to give you more time to STUDY for the upcoming test. Take advantage of it!

Now, back to the hockey game!

Mr. Rinke

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Homework for 12-3 and 12-4

This is a little late, but there isn't much to add into here. We didn't have any new homework from Thursday and Friday.

We went over the review packet which was due these days, and then did a practice worksheet in class. Some of the classes were short, due to the early dismissal on Friday and the Mercyhurst assembly on Thursday, so we didn't do much else with the extra time in the other classes except for some extra homework time.

The worksheets from the previous assignment are due Monday and Tuesday, and the test is on Friday (12/11) and Monday (12/14) - start studying now. This should be a relatively easy test, but the students were told that a lot of how they do on the test will come from how they did on the quizzes. Probably 70-80% of the test will be the same things they had to do on the quizzes, so if they could handle those, they should be good for the test in terms of problems.

We will be beginning the next Unit on Monday and Tuesday, but that won't be on the test.

Enjoy the snow!

Mr. Rinke

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Homework for 12-1 and 12-2

Hi everyone! Welcome back from vacation!


Today I handed back a bunch of papers, and then we went through lessons 20 and 21. Lesson 20 was covered pretty well in the video that was shown during the Thursday and Friday the week before Thanksgiving (the days I wasn't in school), so we didn't need to spend a lot of time on it. Lesson 21, on periodic trends, is long and dry, but we needed to get through it, so we did...


Hey! You in the back! Wake up!! haha


So anyway, back to the matter at hand. Your test on this unit will be next Friday and the Monday following - 12/11 and 12/14. We will start new material from the next unit before then, but this gives you some time to figure out any questions or problems with the current material before having a test on it.


Homework from today:


1) We will have a quiz on the definitions from Lesson 21, and the trends from that lesson as well. The 5 trend terms will be matching, and then the 10 trends will simply be to identify whether that trend increases, decreases, or stays the same. This will be a scan sheet quiz.


2) The review packet I handed out is due next class (Thursday/Friday).


3) The following pages (worksheets) in your book are due Monday/Tuesday (12/7 or 12/8). 131-136 and 147-150.


Have a great night!


Mr. Rinke

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Homework for 11-19 and 11-20

Hi everyone - this is coming to you from my house, since I stayed home sick today and will be out tomorrow as well. I think the flu finally caught up with me!

Today I left a set of videos and some work packets and colored pencils for the sub. If everything went according to plan, you should have had a quiz on noble gas configurations, and then watched episodes 401 and 402 of the Georgia Public Broadcasting chemistry course. We did several of these before - these are the videos with the bells that play when a chalkboard graphic goes up, and you take notes on it. There were some notes to take, some problems to complete, and a periodic table for you to fill in and color to learn about families/groups and periods, as well as some of their properties.

For A day classes, since I will see you next Monday, you have the packet to finish. For B day classes, since I won't see you until after vacation, you have the homework to eat lots of food on Thanksgiving and get lots of rest so you're ready to dive back into the periodic table when we return - I'll give that homework to the A day students when I see them on Monday.

Hopefully I'll be feeling better by then!

Thanks for checking here, and have a good night!

Mr. Rinke

Homework for 11-17 and 11-18

Sorry I didn't get this up until now - I wasn't feeling well the last couple of days and it slipped my mind.

Today we did a whole bunch of stuff, including:

1) A quiz on orbital box diagrams and Lewis dot diagrams.
2) We went over the Unit 3 test - Retests must be completed before Christmas for those who wish to do so.
3) We talked about the spectrophotometer lab and what is due for it (all of the questions in the packet need to be answered, as well as a graph made. The details of the graph were given in class)
4) We did a small periodic table puzzle, and I gave a second one of these for homework.
5) I checked and gave a grade for, and then we went over, the set of worksheets which were due today from 2 classes ago, as well as answering any questions on any of them.
6) I taught lesson 19. This took about 10 minutes, and covered the history and regions of the periodic table.

Phew! Lotsa stuff today - haha.

For homework:

1) There will be a quiz on Noble Gas Electron Configurations.
2) The periodic table puzzle - the back side of the one we did in class - is due.
3) The one worksheet after Lesson 19 is due.
4) The spectrophotometer lab packet and graph is due.

Most of these are relatively short - the only thing which should take a few minutes is the graph for the Spec lab.

Have a great night!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Homework for 11-13 and 11-16

Hi everyone!


Today we had a quiz on electron configurations (except for B1, who will take it next class because we had short periods today and I wanted to make sure they got to do the whole lab).


We also did a lab with spectrophotometers. The students received the packets in class, and completed three short mini-labs which were all utilizing the spectrophotometers to measure absorbance of light with food-colored water. Students who missed this can make it up after school after break with me or with Mr. Feiock on this Friday.




Quiz next class on Box diagrams and Lewis electron Dot Diagrams - a couple of each. B1 will also take the quiz from today.

All of the homework from last class (look at the last blog post) is also due.

The lab report for the Spectrophotometer lab is NOT due... NOT DUE! Nothing is due from this - we still need to talk about it.


Have a great night!


Mr. Rinke

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Homework for 11-11 and 11-12

Hi everyone!


Today we finished up Lesson 18. We started with a quiz on the arrow chart and the number of electrons each type of orbital can hold - this was announced ahead of time.


We then reviewed how to do orbital box diagrams, and learned how to do the noble gas shortcut for electron configurations as well as Lewis dot diagrams. We practiced these for a little while, and then the students got some time to work on homework.


The homework is:


Next class you will have a quiz on electron configurations - you will need to do 3 simple ones. You will get a periodic table, but if you want an arrow chart, you have to make your own.


For Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, you need to do orbital box diagrams and Lewis dot diagrams for N, Mg, B, K, and F. You also need to do the noble gas configurations for Ba, Cd, Ac, No, and Mo. Finally, complete worksheets on pages 117 to 123. There are some parts of these pages you can skip, and some different directions for one of them, so make sure to check with someone from the class for the updated directions - they are too detailed to type out here.


Thanks! Lab next class!


Mr. Rinke



Homework for 10-9 and 10-10

Hi Everyone!


Sorry this is a little late...


Today in class we covered Lesson 18 - make sure you picked up the next section of your book, since you won't have enough pages to complete this unit without them. You should have through page 169 at this point.


I also collected the homework from the article on the naming of elements. Make sure you drop this off at some point if you have not already.




Quiz on the Arrow Chart and number of electrons each type of orbital can hold. You were given the questions in class that you will be asked - this is simply a memorization quiz.


Do electron configurations for the following elements: Be, Al, Zr, Sn, Cl, Os, Db, I - no box diagrams.


Have a great day!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Homework for 11-5 and 11-6



And a special hello to all of you who took the day off to fight a few battles with a few bacteria or viruses - seems like we have a few more than normal today. Hope you feel better soon!


Today we took the Unit 3 test - you need to make this up when you get back. It takes about an hour or a little more, so plan ahead for when you can do it.


For homework, I handed out an article on how some of the elements received their names or symbols, and asked everyone to list 10 things that the article taught them about the names and symbols of the elements - stuff they didn't know before reading it. You can pick up a copy when you return - sorry I can't post it online.


Have a great day and thanks for checking in - might be a candy coupon type thing on here again soon, so keep checking back!


Mr. Rinke

Monday, November 2, 2009

Homework for 11-2 and 11-3

Hi everyone!
Today in class I collected the penny labs - make sure they get turned in ASAP even though they are second quarter grades.
I also checked the 8 worksheets which were due today - 90, 94, 95, and 104-108. Please see me if you weren't here to get them in the gradebook. Again, these are second quarter grades.
We went over the worksheets, and then I answered any questions about the upcoming test.
The rest of the game was a review game.
Test Thursday/Friday - STUDY!
Flame Test Lab due Thursday/Friday
Have a good night!
Mr. Rinke

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Correction to 10-29 and 10-30's homework

I read over my post for the homework, and realized that I needed to comment on part of the homework. It talks about the worksheets from 14, 15, and 17. Then it says there are 5 of them. There are 8 worksheets total - 1 from 14, 2 from 15, and 5 from 17. I did not assign the worksheets from 16 so you do not have to do them. Read below for the rest of the info - Thanks!

Homework for 10-29 and 10-30

Hi everyone!


Today we did two things.


First, we went over lesson 17 - this included reading different parts of the periodic table, learning how to calculate protons, neutrons, and electrons (including isotopes and ions), and then calculating average atomic mass. Make sure you get the examples from this section, as well as getting all the blanks filled in.


Second, we did the flame test lab. You have to pick up a copy of this if you weren't here, because it isn't in your book. This took about half the period, and involved sticking wooden sticks into a small sample of salt, then putting it in a bunsen burner flame, and noticing the color that the flame becomes with the salt burining. This occurs because of salt ions having their electrons excited and when they return to their ground state, they release that energy as a form of light.




For Monday/Wednesday:

- Penny Lab letter reports are due. These are going on the second quarter grades.

- Worksheets from lessons 14, 15, and 17. 14 and 15 were assigned before, and 17 was assigned today - there are 5 of them. Make sure to have all of these completed as we will be going over all of them next class, including giving points for doing them, and reviewing for the test.


For Thursday/Friday:

- Flame test lab reports are due - these are just answering questions on the bottom of the back of the lab.

- Test!! - The test is on Unit 3, lessons 14-17. There is a study guide on page 109.


Thanks - if you have any questions, feel free to email me or see me in school!


Mr. Rinke

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just a couple of quick reminders!

Hi everyone!

Don't forget that the quarter ends next Wednesday, November 4th. November 3rd (Tuesday) is a day off for you guys, so you won't have that day to make anything up. If you are missing anything, you need to make it up before then.

I passed a grade sheet around in every class, so everyone should know if they are missing anything. Don't wait until Wednesday to do it!

Also, anyone rewriting a lab report from the first letter lab needs to have that done ASAP - I'd rather not get any after Monday.

Start studying! Your test on unit 3 is on Thursday or Friday of next week - there is a study guide right after lesson 17.

Flame test lab tomorrow - yeah!

Mr. Rinke

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Homework for 10/27 and 10/28

Hi everyone!
Today, we did "Sub Atomic Bowling", a lab in the hallway - if you missed it, you need a partner and about 10 minutes to make this up. Any day right after school would work.
We also went through Lesson 16 - there are a number of terms you need to copy from someone else that was here - even if you have the electronic copy of the book, because they are only on the powerpoint that was shown in class.
We looked at some gas discharge tubes in class and saw how different materials excited electrons gave off different colors.
Next class, we will be doing the flame test lab.
Homework - Start studying unit 3 - the test is about a week and a half away. Also, finish the questions on the back of the "Sub-Atomic Bowling" lab sheet.
Have a great nite!
Mr. Rinke

Friday, October 23, 2009

Homework from 10-23 and 10-26



I had planned on doing another lab today, but since the equipment was unavailable, we will be doing that on Tuesday and Wednesday. What we did today was:


1) We went over the details for the penny lab report. Please check with your partner for details, or if both of you were absent, see me or another student. We talked about the specific graphs which are due, and questions which needed answered, as well as the fact that this lab has a theory section. The lab reports are due on November 2nd or 4th, depending on which day you have me for class. You may want to work ahead to avoid having to work on this during Halloween weekend!


2) We talked about Lesson 15 - there are a number of drawings that need to be added to the notes and blanks to be filled in, so make sure you see someone to get that information if you missed class.


3) We had another name/symbol quiz.


Homework is as follows:


1) Pages 94-95 from the end of lesson 15.

2) Penny lab report due 11/2 or 11/4.


Please make sure to make up anything you're missing gradewise soon, because the quarter ends on November 4th. Thanks!


Mr. Rinke

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Homework from 10-21 and 10-22


We had a quiz on names and symbols today for elements. If you missed this, make it up ASAP because it is close to the end of the quarter.

We also did the penny lab - this will take you about 30 minutes to do, and as long as your partner completed it in class, you will probably use their data for the lab report.

The only homework was to complete page 90 (which was assigned last class), complete the Separation of Mixtures lab report (again, assigned last class, for everyone except B1), and study for another name/symbol quiz. Nothing new.

We will discuss the lab report for the penny lab when we have our next class.

Enjoy the nice weather before we go back to cold and rainy!

Mr. Rinke

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Homework from 10-19 and 10-20

Hi everyone!


In class today, we did some practice problems for dimensional analysis first, to try to refresh everyone on how to do them. We then did a practice quiz on the names and symbols for elements in order to get everyone to know what the quizzes over the next couple of classes would be like.


After that, we discussed the lab report requirements for the lab that all of my classes except B1 did, so this section doesn't apply to them. All I asked for was a neatly written or typed report, one per person (not one per group), answering the following questions. The first is to try to figure out the percentages of the iron, sand, and salt that were in the mixture. If you are unable to do this for some reason, indicate why. The second question is an error analysis. In several paragraphs (do a good job with this!) explain what problems you had with the lab and how you could do better if we had to do this again. Since everyone had problems with it, I expect a good explanation from each of you! This is due on Friday (10/23) or Monday (10/26), depending on when you have me for class. Again, B1 doesn't have to do one because we didn't do the lab due to our standardized test day last Wednesday.


The next thing we did was talk about the Penny lab, which we are doing Wednesday and Thursday of this week. You received a packet which contains the lab, and directions for making the data table which you need for next class. I explained that the only requirements for the data table are legible and functional - you need to be able to use it to record the data for the lab - it doesn't need to be typed. This is due next class because this is when you need it, and only one per group is needed.


Finally, we went through lesson 14, which has a bunch of introductory information for atomic theory history.




Page 90 - this is due 10-23 or 10-26.

Data table for Penny Lab - due 10-21 or 10-22

Quiz on Names and Symbols - happening the next couple of classes - so study!

Lab report for Separation of Mixtures lab - one per person, due 10-23 or 10-26.


Have a great day, and enjoy the nicer weather we seem to be having before the depths of winter set in (like last week)!


Mr. Rinke


Friday, October 16, 2009

Homework for Thursday/Friday 10-15 and 10-16

There is no written homework for this time because we took a test both days. Students should have finished up the labs they were working on - we will talk about the lab report on Monday and Tuesday. Also, you should start memorizing names and symbols for the following elements:
1-20 (Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, etc... up to Calcium - the first 20 Atomic Numbers)
Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, W, Ag, Sn, I, Pt, Au, Hg, Pb
There will be quizzes given starting Wesnesday and Thursday of next week on these - all you need to know are names and symbols - for example, I will say O and the students will need to write oxygen, or I will say Silver and the students will need to write Ag.
Also, rewrites for any lab reports which were handed back over the last couple of days need to be turned in within a week or so - if you're not sure how to fix whatever was wrong, see me!
Have a good weekend!
Mr. Rinke

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Homework for 10/8 and 10/12

Study for your test on Thursday and Friday - no new written homework!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Homework for 10-6 and 10-7

Hi everyone!
Homework for tonight is to complete the following pages in your notes book:
75, 76, 77, 82, 83, 84
Start studying for the next test - it should be next Thursday and Friday (10/15 and 10/16)!
Mr. Rinke

Friday, October 2, 2009

Oops sorry!

The boxes below the last homework post are from my email signature file - they are stats for a game I play. I didn't intend to post them, just forgot to remove them before I clicked "send" on the email. That's why they're there - sorry!

Homework for 10/2 and 10/5

Hi everyone!
Homework for 10-2 and 10-5 is to finish page 70, because it is something that B day students were assigned before and A day students are receiving as an assignment today. Vocabulary is due 10/6 and 10/7 as well.
On a side note, don't forget to get your chicken toss rosters in if you plan to participate after the beach walk - those are due back to me on Wednesday, Oct 7, at the latest.
Thanks! Have a great weekend!
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homework for 9-29 and 9-30

Hello again! I guess I should have been a little more specific, since my dates on my last post were only related to the days before and after the test,  but not during the test.


There is no homework specifically from the days of the test.  Vocabulary is due next Tuesday (10/6) or Wednesday (10/7) depending on what day you have me for class.


Have a great day!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Homework for 9/28 and 10/1

This is the homework for 9/28 and 10/1. We are taking a test on 9/29 and 9/30, so the B day classes won’t receive their homework until Thursday, 10/1.

Students need to write out, type out, cut-and-paste, or make flashcards for all of the vocabulary words in Unit 2, which is lessons 10-13. I gave the A day students all of the terms today (they had to fill in the blanks in those lessons, and those are the words they are looking for), and B day students will get them on Thursday (or can get them after the test if they wish). This homework is due 10/6 and 10/7, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

Also, make sure you’re studying! And this is also a reminder to the B4 students – I still owe you candy from the review game – remind me so you can snack during part of the test.

Good luck!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Homework from 9-24 and 9-25

You have a test coming up Tuesday (B-Day) and Wednesday (A-Day) - Because of the early dismissal on Monday, you will start covering new material from Unit 2 on Monday, and then have your test on Wednesday.

In class today I collected the graphing assignment, and we spent most of the period playing a review game. Please make sure if you had some reason not to turn in your graph today, you get it to me in the next couple of days.

Make sure you are studying and reviewing for the test - you can come in Friday after school or Monday after school to practice with the balances or Bunsen burners, or just go through your lab station to make sure you know what the various equipment is. Don't assume you remember everything - come in and check them out!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Free Skittles :)

Just to get people to check out this blog, and maybe help some of the students become more successful by checking out the chemistry homework, I will give anyone in my class who prints out this page, follows the directions, and brings it in (by Friday), some free Skittles.

You just need to print this out, put your name on it, and give it to me. No "copies" will be accepted. Plan ahead - this site isn't accessable from school. Good luck!

Sorry parents - feel free to check this out and keep up with what is going on in your child's class, but no free Skittles for you.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Homework from 9-22-09 and 9-23-09

Hello! There is a test coming up on 9-29 and 9-30 for my chemistry classes - For the A day students, it is actually after the B day students because of the early dismissal day on 9-28. Start studying now if you haven't already!

The only written homework you have today is to complete the graphs from lesson 9. You have to make sure to make all the graphs are done correctly, and cut and pasted onto a word document. You can print them out and turn them in that way, or send them to my GoogleDocs, which is at docs.google.com. Publish them to your GoogleDocs account, and then invite rinkeref@yahoo.com, which is my home email address, to it.

Thank you for checking this out! Stay tuned for updates, or sign up for email updates (I believe you can), so you get an email every time I update!

Homework Assignments and News Here!

This is where I am going to try to post my homework assignments for my Chemistry Classes and Northwest PA Collegiate Academy. Check back here often if you want to know about upcoming stuff, or just forgot what you were supposed to do for your homework!